Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) Imaging

In-Depth Proprietary Technology

Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) is a sophisticated, modern seismic imaging and velocity modeling approach that has overtaken Reverse-Time Migration (RTM) as the premier method for high-resolution, high-fidelity subsurface imaging. Here at In-Depth, we apply an innovative alternating K-Tomo and Elastic FWI workflow to create a final velocity model, fully utilizing the benefits of both modeling approaches. Armed with a completed velocity model, we then calculate the reflectivity series and apply an iterative inversion scheme to produce a final FWI image.

Fig. 1. Iterative alternating FWI and K-Tomo workflow. Due to the FWI model nullspace, FWI alone may have difficulty fully capturing certain features, such as the high amplitude events indicated by the arrows. Alternating between K-Tomo and FWI allows FWI to converge far more efficiently, without becoming trapped in local minima.

Fig. 2. Kirchhoff PSDM with Conventional Tomo velocities (left) vs FWI Imaging with FWI velocities (right). In both cases, FWI Imaging produces noticeably superior results with clearer structure and dramatically reduced noise.